As I have mentioned before, I really have a hard time getting Mr Picky to eat his veggies. Crackers and Packets are my go to. Today I decided to try a new recipe. I love the Spinach Crackers, but I feel like often the only veggie he gets is spinach. So today I decided to try green bean crackers, and good news – they worked!! Sneaking veggies into toddlers is a difficult task so finding something that works is like a dream come true!
Here is the recipe if you would like to try them with your little one:
- Handful of frozen green beans (I used about half a mini cuisinart full – picture below)
- 1/4 cup Olive Oil
- 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
- 1 Tablespoon water
- 1 Cup Flour
- Pre-heat oven to 350
- chop green beans as small as possible in food processor
- add oil, baking soda, water, and mix again
- add flour slowly
- take dough out of food processor and knead the dough in bowl until it feels very dough like
- flour cookie sheet and rolling pin
- this dough is very sticky so this is very important!
- roll out dough on cookie sheet
- cut dough with pizza cutter into little squares and poke each piece with a fork to help prevent to dough from bubbling while baking
- cook in oven for 20 minutes
- move crackers to a cooling rack once they are finished cooking
- Ta-da! You now have green bean crackers!
What tips or tricks do you have for sneaking veggies into your toddler? I would love to try them out!